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(1987), 'Australians 1838’, Atkinson, A. and Aveling, M. eds, Sydney, NSW.
Gibbney, H.J. & Smith, A.G. (1987), 'A Biographical Register 1788-1939’, Canberra, ACT.
Kerr, J. & Broadbent, J. (1980), 'Gothick Taste in the Colony of New South Wales’, Sydney, NSW.
(1884), Argus, Ocotber, 11.
(1884), Australasian, October, 11.
(1884), Sydney Mail, October, 18.
'notes’, Illawarra Historical Society, Illawarra, NSW.
Lincolne, Abraham (1869), 'The Australasian Farmers’ Guide’, Melbourne, Vic.
Lincolne, Abraham (1878), 'The Farm and Selection’, (reprinted) Melbourne, Vic.