Artist – painter and sculptor who lived in Barnfield Street, Claremont, Western Australia. He exhibited oil paintings and woodcarvings with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1904-05 and a sculpture Solitude and a drawing of an old Aboriginal man in 1906.

Doepel’s 1907 canvas exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts was described as “An audacious canvas by Mr A. Doepel presents a well-known city hostelry under the hard glare of the electric light. It is a picture not to be overlooked, and the insistence is not due merely to the bizarre effect, for what it may lack in artistic attractiveness is made up in faithful drawing and boldness of treatment.” Little else of his work remains.

A damaged cast of his head of local Aborigine King Billy is in Claremont Museum, Claremont, Western Australia. In 1910 Doepel had a studio in Bayview Terrace in Claremont. In 1914 he taught Geometry at Perth Technical School.

Dr Dorothy Erickson
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