Alfie was born, raised and still resides in Bairnsdale. His people are from the Monaro language group of Far East Gippsland and New South Wales. His mother is Betty Solomon and his father is Laurie Hudson who is a painter and craftsman as are several other family members.

Having learnt about his culture through out his life, Alfie frequently depicts traditional imagery and themes in a colourful contemporary and distinctive style. Family and bloodlines are often themes in his painting.

Despite an obviously strong cultural inspiration, Alfie says that he is influenced by the here and now – the way his week has gone and who he has seen. Alfie enjoys experimenting and learning and while he generally uses acrylic on canvas, Alfie recently worked in ground ochre to create a piece titled Memories for the Krowathunkoolog Keeping Place Museum to honour the memory of Pop Jock Hood and Uncle Sonny Johnson (known as Jacko) who carved Gunai/Kurnai shield designs in poles which the Keeping Place is constructed around.

Having completed the Diploma of Visual Art with the Koori Unit at the East Gippsland Institute of TAFE, Alfie considers his greatest achievement to be the encouraging comments he receives from others. He also enjoys gifting his work to family and friends.

In addition to painting, Alfie is also known for his dance and traditional musical ability as well as his artifact making and wood burning. Alfie has recently formed the Footprints Dance Group together with Ivan Hood and Brian O’Connor.

A popular and gregarious yet reserved character, Alfie explains: ' My work is a way of communicating without talking’.

East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation, VIC
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