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Curator Ruark Lewis places work by eminent language artists Alex Selenitsch, Franz Ehmann and Ania Walwicz alongside that of an emerging generation. The exhibition unites aesthetic sensibility and avant-garde traditions with a critical approach to the dissemination and display of art.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
Institute of Modern Art Exhibition archive
Sydney/Adelaide: Susan Hampton and John Forbes dealing with the issues and reading with Jenny Boult (Adelaide) and Michael Davies and artist in residence, Ania Walwicz. Assisted by Literature Board of Australia Council.
Melbourne/Adelaide: Jurate Sasnaitis and Kris Hemensley (Melb)gave papers describing parallels between oppositional poetry of the 40s and 60s in Melbourne and the current Melbourne scene; read with Collette Snowden and Jan Owen (Adelaide) and with artist in residence, Ania Walwicz. Assisted by Literature Board of Australia Council
Performances by Pam Harris and Michele Luke; Ania Walwicz ('Father’); Jan Hubruchsen ('5000 years of Indian Motion Picture Music’); Andrew Stock ('A Small Section of Being a Boy’); Andrew Petrusevics ('Check your Answers’).
This exhibition is part of the public presentation requirement of an EAF residency from March to May 1986. Residency funded jointly by the Visual Arts board of the Australia Council and the Literature Board.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
EAF annual report, 1986
Exhibition Catalogue:
See Artlink for review
Cross media/ multi media exhibition, artists exchange. Australian participation co-ordinated through Experimental Art Foundation. 60+ Australian artists represented by bookworks, film, video, and sound.
Therese Kenyon speaker and Guest artist in ANZART Auckland of 1985 in New Zealand.