Art educationist and industrial designer. Russell had studied Commercial Art and Industrial Design at the Beckenham School of Art in Kent, England where he met Robert Juniper. When they left college, Russell and Juniper had their first jobs in Graphic and Industrial Design in the same firm. Russell was keen to leave England and the Juniper family had offered to sponsor him to Australia if he ever decided to leave. Russell arrived in September 1947 and spent a short time living at Cowaramup with the Juniper family, then during 1948-1949, went out on his own taking on a variety of itinerant jobs such as rabbit poisoning, breaking in horses and working in a country hospital where he managed the non-medical staff.

Russell gained his Leaving Certificate, a matriculation requirement for University, in a short six months with the initial intention of entering medical school, but decided instead to enrol at the Claremont Teachers College.

Jim Turnbull, the District Education Superintendent, invited him to become Head of the Northam Migrant Camp School. In 1950 he exhibited a watercolour, Iron and Rust, in the Art Competition at Art Gallery of Western Australia.

In 1955 Russell responded to a Commonwealth Government advertisement for a position in Papua New Guinea, which involved the research and development of indigenous arts. Turnbull was on the interviewing panel and persuaded Russell to take up a teaching position at Perth Technical College instead.

Russell was an ambitious teacher with a passion not only for his chosen field of design but also education. He was to play a pivotal role in the development of design education in the State, and on a broader level, the profession and status of design in industry generally. Russell’s desire to change the status quo brought a new broom into the Art Department that was not always appreciated. According to Howard Taylor, “Tony’s contribution not only revitalised the school, it also made the department more respected within the Tech. organisation.”

Dr Dorothy Erickson
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