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Callaway, Anita, 'Ephemeral Vistas’.
(May 1926), 'An Important Collection of Water-Colour Drawings Chiefly of the Southern Hemisphere by Augustus Earle F. R. G. S.’, Sothebys, London, England, UK, .
Thomas, D., North, I., & McCarthy F. (1972), 'The Australian Landscape’.
Smith, B. (1966), 'Augustus Earle’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, D. Pike, A. Shaw, M. Clark, B. Nairn, G. Serle and R. Ward (eds.), vol. 1, Melbourne, Vic.
Bonyhady, Tim (1985), 'Images in Opposition’, Melbourne, Vic.
Buscombe, Eve (1978), 'Artists in Early Australia and their Portraits’, Sydney, NSW.
Butler, R. (1982), 'Australia’s first lithographs’, Australian Connoisseur and Collector 3.
Darragh, T.A. (1990), 'The Establishment and Development of Engraving and Lithography in Melbourne to the Time of the Gold Rush’, Willow Bend, NSW.
Earle, A. (1966), 'Narrative of Nine Months Residence in New Zealand and Tristan da Cunha’, Oxford University Press, E. McCormick (ed.).
Graves, A. (1905), 'The Royal Academy of Arts’, London (reprint Bath, 1970), England, UK.
Hackforth-Jones, J. (1980), 'Augustus Earle, Travel Artist’, Canberra, ACT.
Kerr, Joan (1988), 'A woman of substance’, Creating Australia, Daniel Thomas & R. Radford (eds.), Art Gallery of South Australia catalogue, Adelaide, SA.
Kolenberg, H. & Kolenberg, J. (1988), 'Tasmanian Vision’, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, Tas.
McDonald P.R. & Pearce, B. (eds) (1988), 'The Artist and the Patron’, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
Murray-Oliver, A. (1968), 'Augustus Earle in New Zealand’, Christchurch, NZ.
Sayers, Andrew (1989), 'Drawing in Australia’, Melbourne, Vic.
Wantrup, J. (1987), 'Australian Rare Books 1788-1900’, Potts Point, Sydney, NSW.
(1829), Colonial Times (Hobart), June 12.
Callaway, Anita (1990), 'Colonial transparencies: Seeing through history and myth’, Paper delivered at the Art Association of Australia’s annual conference, Sydney, September 1990, J. McGarvie, Diary 1825-1828, Mitchell Library ms A1332.
(1828), 'Colonial Secretary’s Office: Letters Received 1826-1828’, Archives Office of New South Wales 4/1903, 2/7850, 4/1919, 4/1920, 4/1994, Sydney, NSW.
Bonyhady, Tim (1986), 'Australian Paintings in the Australian National Gallery’, Canberra, ACT.
Bonyhady, T. (1987), 'The Colonial Image’, Sydney, NSW.
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(1828), Australian, May 09.
(1832), Hobart Town Courier, January 07.
(1828), Sydney Gazette, October 10.
McGarvie, J. (1828), 'Diary 1825-1828’, Mitchell Library ms A1332, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.
Information sourced from Eagle, Mary.
Information sourced from Stanbury, David.
Information sourced from Lennon, Jane.