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Barry Singleton (1938- ) was born in Ballarat, Victoria.. He taught art, including ceramics, to technical college students at Warnambool and … Castlemaine where he established a studio in 1970…In 1976, he spent seven months with Yasu Ogawara at Hashima Kiln in Kurashiki and made subsequent trips to China and Japan, developing an aesthetic based on simple, strongly balanced and proportioned forms. He still lives and works in Castlemaine at his Kaweka Gallery, working in porcelain using white, iron blue, green, chun and copper red glazes and also in stoneware using a shino style glaze, iron red, tenmoku and ash glazes and gas firing in a 30 cu ft fibre lined brick kiln… His marks include an impressed 'BS’ in a square and a painted 'Singa’.
Ref: Australian Potter’s Marks.
Ref: Barry Singleton : to make a pot so quiet it speaks.