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“The collection documents the art of Gippsland and beyond. Since its establishment in 1965, the focus of the collection has been Gippsland and the natural environment.”(https://www.gippslandartgallery.com/collection/)
Large ceramics collection – with advice and support via Lecturers in Ceramics, also practicing ceramists, from Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education.
Founded in 1913, the Castlemaine Art Museum (previously named Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum) has a unique collection of exclusively Australian art and fascinating historical artefacts reflecting the early history of the district.
Meat Industry Employees’ Superannuation Fund Collection. Carlton Sth. Vic.
'Steps Gallery’
Wally Curran & Noel Flood, instrumental in establishment of Steps Gallery 1992 & MIESF/Union Ceramics Collection. Context – benefits of arts & culture for workers.
Supporters – Steggles family.
Interiors – Designer Helmut Lueckenhausen (ex Pres Crafts Council of Aust) in consultation with several artisans, craftspeople & manuf’s.