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Ambrus, Caroline (1984), 'The Ladies’ Picture Show’.
Gibbney, H.J. and Smith, A.G. (1987), 'A biographical register 1788-1930’, Volume 2, Canberra, ACT, p.99.
McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, 2nd edition, Melbourne, Vic.
Merfield, Bertha (1912), 'Impressions of Modern Art’, Melbourne, Vic.: State Library of Victoria Journal, Volume 13, Issue 4-5.
Moore, William (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art’, 2 Volumes, (facsimile reprint, 1980).
(1920), Architecture 8.
(1913), Argus, 10-16.
(1921), Australasian, 09-24, p 598.
(1915), Melbourne, Vic.: Herald, 06-01.
(1920), Lone Hand, July.
(1920), Sydney Morning Herald, 05-11.
'MS 7593’, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic.
'Index to Australian biography’, Arts Library, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Vic.
VSL Arts Library, vertical file of ephemera.
(29 March 1978), 'Exhibition catalogue’, Duvance Galleries, 03-29.
Information sourced from Littley, Samantha.
(1917), Argus, 09-03.
(1919), Argus, 08-08.
(1920), Argus, 08-04.
(1921), Argus, 09- 23, p 6.