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(September 1948), 'Milady’, Volume 1, Numberv 3, .
(June 1967), 'Dawn Special Number: In Memoriam Bessie Mabel Rischbieth’, Order of the British Empire Justice of the Peace [newsletter], .
Daniels, K.M.; Murnane, M.; & Picot, A. (eds.) (1977), 'Women in Australia’, Canberra, ACT.
Lutton, Nancy, 'Bessie Rischbieth OBE: An oral history study’, Early Days (Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Western Australia), Volume 9, Number 1.
Erickson, Dorothy (2000), 'Art and Design in Western Australia: Perth Technical College 1900-2000’, Perth, WA.
Lutton, Nancy (1988), 'Bessie Rischbieth’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 11, [Serle, G. (ed.)], Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Vic.
Ogilvie, June (1988), 'Bessie Rischbieth’, 200 Australian Women, [Radi, Heather (ed.)], Sydney, NSW.
White, Kate (1979), 'Bessie Rischbieth the feminist’, Westralian Portraits, [Lyall, Hunt (ed.)], Nedlands, WA.
(2004), 'Rischbieth Correspondence’, National Library of Australia, Canberra, ACT (Manuscript).