Born Milnga-Milnga, south-west of Billiluna near Sturt Creek c. 1934, Boxer Milner belongs to the Tjaru people from the area north of Balgo and now lives at Billiluna. He began painting for Warlayirti Artists in 1989. He usually paints Water Dreamings stories of his traditional country of Sturt Creek, an area vitally important to his people. Whereas desert peoples paint mostly rockholes and claypans, Tjaru country is an area of creekbeds and flood plains, and this is reflected in the art of Tjaru artists like Boxer. The area of Milnga-Milnga is a major flood plain for Sturt Creek and is inundated every summer after the rains. This is important for all nature, including people, and the artist’s family, who have always lived here, “look after” the area by keeping its associated law and ceremonies. Boxer Milner is one of the more consistent and successful painters currently working out of Billiluna. He creates simple linear designs that speak of his care for, and knowledge of his country.

Johnson, Vivien
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