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Organ, M. (May 1988), 'Captain Robert Marsh Westmacott 1801-1870: The man & his art’, Typescript, .
Craig, C. (1964), 'Old Tasmanian Prints’, Launceston, Tasmania.
Franklin, J. (1839), 'Diary of a journey from Port Phillip to Sydney’, Canberra, ACT : National Library of Australia, (manuscript 114).
King, N. (1961), 'A History of Austinmer, New South Wales: A paper read before the Illawarra Historical Society, 2 March 1961’, Typescript.
Taylor, R. (13 January 1839), 'Diary entry’, Sydney, NSW : State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library, (manuscript A3816).
Sydney, NSW : State Library of New South Wales, Mitchell Library, (PXn 512).
'[Biographical information]’, Canberra, ACT : National Library of Australia.
Information sourced from Organ, Michael.
Information sourced from Perry, Barbara.