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Born on Napperby station in 1923, Cassidy Tjapaltjarri was one of the most flamboyant figures in this small community, and in the media coverage of the Napperby artists’ first exhibition at the Hogarth Galleries in Sydney was identified as leader and spokesman for the painting group. Subsequently a pensioner, Cassidy was an elder of the Amnatyerre tribe. His traditional country was Red Hill and Napperby. He painted Caterpillar and Goanna Dreamings for this area and also Bush Tucker Dreamings from his grandfather’s country around the Mt Allan area. 'This Dreaming is about the place where I was born. This waterhole and this emu track are part of my Dreaming. It takes me two weeks to make. One day my painting will make Napperby number one. I show all the young fellas what we Aboriginal people can do for ourselves . ' ( Sydney Morning Herald , 11 July 1987)