painter, was a prominent New Zealand artist. C. Blomfield exhibited in Sydney in 1883, in the fourth annual exhibition of the [Royal] Art Society of NSW. At the latter the Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1883, 11) reported: 'C. Bloomfield (sic), Auckland, sends nearly a dozen oil paintings of NZ scenery all being characteristically bright in tone and one of the best of them is no.250 The Twin Kauris, Waitakerie Ranges . The pines rise, white and straight amid a tangled luxuriance of ferns and creepers and the different shades of green are admirably used’. At the fifth annual exhibition of the Art Society in 1884 the Sydney Mail (26 July 1884, 179) noted: 'Mr Charles Blomfield’s watercolour of Mitre Peak, Tasmania (sic?) (282) possesses a marked degree of merit’.

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