professional photographer and phrenologist, advertised in the Sydney Morning Herald in June 1864 that he would paint cartes-de-visite forwarded to him at 352 George Street, 'with colour of eyes and hair at 1s’. In July he advertised that he would teach photography, 'The art and its mysteries’, for £1. By August 1866 the fee had increased to £2 and serious students were offered a course of eight lessons in photography at 5s per lesson. At the beginning of the following year Edwards, claiming 'six years’ successful practice in Sydney’, entered a different field, advertising that he would give advice on a suitable 'education, profession or trade’ for a shilling by employing his 'life’s experience’ in phrenology. His address was now 204 Pitt Street, opposite the Royal Victoria Theatre. In 1870 he was at 6 Bridge Street, once more offering lessons in photography, 'taught practically’ for £2, apparently having found taking heads more profitable than reading them.

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