
  • Clark, John (2001), 'Charles Wirgman (1832?-1891)’, chronology etc., in John Clark, Japanese Exchanges in Art 1850s-1930s: with Britain, Continental Europe, and the USA, Power Publications, Sydney, New South Wales, pp 5-88.

  • Schodt, Frederik L. (1983), 'Manga! Manga! The World of Japanese Comics’, Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International (paperback 1986), pp 38-40.

  • Rogala, Jozef (ed.), Yamashita, Hitomi (translator) (2004), 'The Genius of Mr. Punch: Life in Yokohama’s Foreign Settlement: Charles Wirgman and the Japan Punch, 1862-1887’, Yokohama, Japan: Yurindo Co. Ltd.

Initial data sources

  • Black and white artists