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Dara Gill is an emerging artist working with a diverse range of mediums within the visual arts including video, sculpture, painting, sound and installation. Graduating in Visual Arts at the University of Wollongong in 2007 and Honours in Fine Arts (Sculpture) at the UNSW’s College of Fine Arts in 2009, his current work investigates the nature of anxiety through situational based research.
Gill was featured in Hatched ʻ08, the national graduate exhibition at Perth Institute of Contemporary Art. In 2009 he was the recipient of the Gallery Barry Keldoulis Grant for Emerging Artists as well as the COFA Emerging Artist Award for his video To Roll. He was also the recipient of runner up prize in the 2010 Art Month Speed Dating program and later that year the ArtStart Grant for Emerging Artists from the Australia Council. Gill was featured in arts writer Andrew Frost’s 10 Next Big Things: Visual Art list, compiled for The Sydney Morning Herald, and in 2011 he was the cover artist for the Australian Art Collector magazine’s 'Undiscovered’ special issue.
Gill is a currently a director at Firstdraft Gallery, Sydney.