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cartoonist, illustrator and painter, was born in Hanwell, London. Lived Sierra Leone, West Africa in 1958-59; attended Drayton Manor Grammar School, London in 1966-67; arrived Australia 1967 and went to high school at Mudgee. Studied Architecture NSWIT 1972-74 and SU 1976-77 (when he did illustrations for Honi Soit ). He travelled around Europe in 1975, drew for various publications in 1978 and won a Walkley Award for illustration in 1979 (commended in 1981). Employed by the National Times and the Sydney Morning Herald , he also illustrated books and calendars 1982-84. Technique characterised by the use of scraperboard. Won two 'Australian writers and art directors’ awards 1986. With Patrick Cook, Jenny Coopes, Bill Farr, Randy Glusac and Ward O’Neill, Bromley illustrated Alexander Buzo’s Tautology: I don’t want to sound incredulous but I can’t believe it (Penguin, Victoria, 1981). Image and short biographical entry in Australian Black-and-White Artists Club Book of Originals (1986), AGNSW (178.1988.1-102).
ML has scraperboard ill. of three young mug-lairs in a car n.d. (Px D586/BROMLEY – No 1).