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Cabinetmaker who fabricated a presentation casket to Queen Victoria in 1887 on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee. Marchant had married Anne Chaffey in 1873. He worked at York in 1873, Perth in 1874-c77. Marchant employed a ticket of leave cabinetmaker in Fremantle 1881-83 and was in Geraldton 1884-89 at least. The 1887 casket was described as:
[t]he inhabitants of the Victoria District [Geraldton etc] ... sent … a circular casket made up of all the workable kinds of wood in the colony – including raspberry jam, she-oak, jarrah, and peach, the lid inlaid with no less than 750 pieces. Marchant did the carpentry work on the casket. It was lined with satin by Mrs Hart, and contained copies of the jubilee number of the local newspaper printed on satin. This splendid present was duly sent off to England by Governor Broome, with other loyal addresses from Albany, Bunbury, Canning, Guildford, Carnarvon and the Gascoyne and from the Anglican and Methodist Churches.