cartoonist and caricaturist, drew for Henslowe’s Xmas Annual 1902 (Sydney: Queen Victoria Markets, 1902) owned by Leonard Henslowe along with James A. Crisp . (He is not to be confused with E. Reveley , a much earlier “Pasquin” from South Australia.) Taylor (p.40) states that the Pasquin who was 'J. McDonald’ (sic) dealt in 'caricature pure and simple’, e.g. Don Cameron, Who Battles for the Workless Blokes , published Truth (Westralian edition) 13 March 1915 (NLA MS 1005/7), “Carrots”, the world’s verdict, Bert Bailey 1918(?), brush and ink caricature of the theatrical manager signed 'Pas’ (original NLA R10287), and Bert Bailey, pantominically unsexed 1918 (original NLA). However, MacDonald also contributed gag cartoons to Beckett’s Budget , e.g. Squared with a round sum (a policeman receiving a back-hander) 31 May 1929, 17, and he illustrated an anti-semitic limerick, published 28 June 1929, 16. Donald MacDonald and John Norton’s discussion about the term 'Wowser’ is also mentioned in Beckett’s Budget 6 (24 January, 30 May 1930).

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Kerr, Joan
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