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comic strip artist, was born in London but came to Adelaide as a young child. He studied art under Ivor Hele and Millward Grey, meeting the comic-book artists Phillip Wearne and Max Judd at the latter’s classes. After he was discharged from the Army he worked as a machine operator with a refrigerator manufacturer until approached by Wearne to do a comic book for H.E. Hoffmann. Then he filled in after Wearne joined the Army, drawing various comic books (see Shiell & Unger). He became art director of Rigby books in Adelaide in 1958; left in 1962 to travel overseas and work on comics. The latter proved so popular that he stayed in London with his family for 20 years, producing over 30 picture stories for IPC. He returned to Australia with his family in 1983 and now paints as a hobby.
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