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Douglas Kahn is Professor of Media and Innovation at the National Institute of Experimental Arts (NIEA), the University of New South Wales. Until recently, he was Professor in Science and Technology Studies, and Founding Director of Technocultural Studies at the University of California, Davis. He is a historian and theorist of the media arts with concentrations in sound, electromagnetism, and natural media. He is author of Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts (MIT Press); editor of Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio and the Avant-garde (MIT Press); and Source: Music of the Avant-garde, 1966-1973 (University of California Press). Current projects include a book edited with the art historian Hannah Higgins of essays and documents on the arts and early computing, Mainframe Experimentalism; and a book on the historical trade between acoustics and electromagnetic spectrum in science and the arts from the late-19th Century to the present, Earth Sound Earth Signal, both for University of California Press.