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'British Parliamentary Papers 1850 1863: Correspondence on convict discipline and transportation’.
Birman, W. (1974), 'Sir Edmund Yeamans Walcott Henderson’, Australian Dictionary of Biography, volume 4, Pike, Douglas (ed.), Melbourne, NSW.
Campbell, R. (1975), 'The Fremantle Prison’, Fremantle, WA.
Chapman, B. (1979), 'The Colonial Eye’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
Hutchison, D. (c.1970), 'The Making of the Fremantle Museum’, Perth, WA.
Kerr, J. S. (1988), 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind’, National Trust , Sydney, NSW.
Reece, R. & Pascoe, R. (1983), 'A Place of Consequence: A Pictorial History of Fremantle’, Fremantle, WA.