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Elke Kramer, a Moriah graduate, gained a Bachelor of Design from COFA UNSW in 2004 and launched her eponymous jewellery line the same year.
Alongside her jewellery designing, Elke is also Illustrator and art director. Her designs are the result of the exploration of unexpected production techniques, attention to detail and emphasis on innovation.
Botanical illustrations from the 1920s resulted in her Second Nature range. On her creative inspiration, Elke recalls, “I imagined this glamorous botanist and the patterns, colours and shapes she sees under her microscope when she looks at fungi and lichen, moss and spores … and then I imagined her sitting in her garden …dripping in kind of tendril and fire jewellery”.
In 2011 Elke’s jewellery, worn by actress Keira Knightley, featured on the cover of UK Vogue magazine.