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Exhibitors included: Thea Proctor, Elaine
Haxton,Lesbia Thorpe, Mary Webb, Enid
Cambridge, Lute Drummond. A. T. Anderson, Elma Roach. Reviewed in The Bulletin. Vol. 62 No. 3204, 9 Jul 1941, p.33
Melbourne artists exhibiting at this event were Isabel Tweddle, A. Gates, D. Stone, P. Hurry, Sybil Craig, Nora Gurdon, A.M.E. Bale, Dora Wilson, Edith Downing, Violet McInnes, E.W. Syme, Jessie Mackintosh, Elma Roach, Lillian White, Jessie Traill, Margaret Pestill, Dora Serle
Reviewed in 'Women Painters’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 May 1934, p.6
60 works including those of C. Southern Flinn, Jessie
Traill, Elma Roach, Dora L. Wilson and Elsie Barlow. Reviewed in The bulletin. Vol. 48 No. 2489, 27 Oct 1927
Women’s Art Club 17th annual exhibition, with Dora Wilson, Elma Roach, Joan Harvey, Lillian White, Cumbrae Stewart, Vida Lahey, Marion Jones, Isabel Tweddle, Mabel Pye, and Norah Gurdon. Athenaeum Hall, Melbourne. Reviewed in the Cairns Post, 15 Dec 1926, p.14