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Napping, huh? Yes.. ...
Drill parades in India during World War II …
The Birds attempts to penetrate the visible object in order to reach the force behind/within it …
Between mountains and skyscrapers Kirk is on an evil journey …
Coldwar technofear and Scientific terror …
In this 'séance fiction’ a young River Phoenix from the film The Explorers (1985) opens a wormhole to contact an older version of himself from My Own Private Idaho (1991). The Phoenix Portal is the first work in Soda_Jerk’s Dark Matter Cycle, an ongoing series of video installations that are concerned with personal and historical experiences of time, and how these relations are mediated by screen technologies.
ghouls, mutants, zombies, bloodsuckers and freaks are brought back from the dead and re-animated into ectoplastic goop
sub_scapePROOF machinima is a recorded output from the generative software “sub_scape”, a real-time system for manipulating, sampling and remapping data streams …