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Super 8 film, colour
Shown at the 8th Sydney Super 8 Film Festival held at the Chauvel Cinema, 26 November 1987.
An experimental film work made during a Super 8 workshop led by Geoff Weary at Tin Sheds Art Workshops, University of Sydney. The main ‘techniques’ employed were in-camera slow motion and coloured cellophane ‘filters’ attached to the camera lens with rubber bands.
Faced with the task of making a documentary about the Blind, this short documentary asks how such a visual medium, aimed at an audience with 'sight’, can perceive what it is like to be blind and avoid taking on patronising sympathetic overtones.
The profound evidence of Nietzches Eternal Return.
Sometimes behind the most absolute normality something snaps.
There comes a time when a man’s just got to draw the line.
The faith of a heart and the faith of a look …
Fingered, Manhatten love suicide, right side of my brain
Ece I don’t exist …
An Australian girl achieves fame as a pop singer in Japan.
Strange things happen to a gang of leather jacketed girls, a dog, a ferret and some offal.
A girl eats diamonds, another feeds a pig its own eye, another cleans a rifle which pokes its tongue out …
A film about illness and confinement.
Urban samurai nostalgia romance, set in the magical banality of Stanmore.
In response to a special questionnaire the MBs produced these 'personal statements’.
Moving closer, or moving further away, the perspective remains the same …
The life & times of a well spent youth – faded memories of people & places are limited visions of my past.
I don’t care what anybody else is saying, I don’t care what anybody else is doing.
A recipe for loneliness.