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The 6th Australian International Video festival, 1991
Cyberpunk Dreams up Garage-Tech
Ross Harley
The desktop revolution that we hear and see so much evidence of today has its roots deep in a history of technological and cultural experimentation that is still unravelling itself before us …
The 6th Australian international Video Festival, 1991.
[This entry is edited from the AIVF ’91 catalogue entry and a Press Release …
The Australian International Video Festival, 1991 – Video Installation
Peter Callas – Our Potential Allies (1980 & 1991)
Our Potential Allies was originally made in 1980 “in the umbra of post McLuhanesque suspicion about the increasingly 'subtopian’ aspects of the 'Global Village’.” This version is a three channel video installation, presented as a reconstructed version of the original piece. I originally made this tape after I had completed three years apprenticeship as an assistant film editor in television …
The Australian International Video Festival, 1991 – Digital Imaging Installation
Untitled (1991) – Robyn Stacey
Ivan Dougherty Gallery, 16-30 Nov
Stacey’s most recent work of digital photography, commissioned for the 6th AIVF, is part of a series dealing with technology, nature and the body …
The Australian International Video Festival – Essay
Early Days Yet
John Conomos
To speak of television and video art in the same breadth is to speak of an uneasy complex tension existing between the two contemporary cultural forms of representation-production …