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Self explanatory.
A monster film in more ways than you would want to believe; within the narrative’s lot of innocent humans visited by a pathetic (look) monster which are forced to hunt down and kill …
Three mice in a love-triangle.
The film is about the pleasures and problematics of dancing in relation to rock subculture, concentrating in particular on the 6 year period from 1977 to 1982, encompassing punk, new wave pop, blitz/new romantic and electronic disco funk …
A film basically about disillusion shown through the destruction of a romantic dream.
Film noir treatment of a child’s fear of being alone.
Visual condensation of German short story.
Poetic reflection on child abuse
A man lies in bed …
This film is not about romantic and personal relationships between people …
Policing the female body – animals lacerated in pastoralist ritual, woman “voluntarily” undergoes analogue process at her own hands.
Abstract colour field while with speckles.
Abstract colour field.
Name, age, place of birth, crime, with saxophone solo.
High budget special effects combined with dime store Freud psychology give mediocre sci-fi flick.
Drill parades in India during World War II …
Montage of the past, present and future in the nuclear debate.
Suggestive repertoire of sexual difference delineated from head to toe …
Suspense, as such, always seems to be articulated within the textual dichotomy – the mystery of the ‘plot’ and the mystery of the plot’s writing, the text itself …
It is through a simple play, a slight alteration with the delicate relationship between sound and image in already-constructed texts that the original meanings become unhinged, thrust into a new semantic context …
Animated plasticine I the machine cavorts and negotiates labyrinths until drawn into the vortex.
He rode along on the Newcastle stage coach …
A loosely connected series of thoughts about a small character who emerges out of tiers of heads …
A deep and fearful concern with the self.
A drive at night.