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R. Erickson & P. Statham (intro. and eds) (1998), 'A Life on the Ocean Wave: The Journals of Captain George Bayly, 1824-1844.’, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic,.
(2001), 'A Tribute to Rica Erickson’, The Library and Information Service of Western AustraliaAvailable via: http://www.liswa.wa.gov.au/erickson/index.html.
Bourke, Pat (1960), 'Australian Nature Plates’, Macmillan, London, England, UK, plates 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.
Korach, Karen (1972), 'Catalogue, 3rd International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration’, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
R. Erickson (comp.) (1979-85), 'Dictionary of Western Australians 1829-1914’, UWA Press, Nedlands, Vol# 2-5.
McCulloch, Alan (1968), 'Encyclopaedia of Australian Art’, Hutchinson, London, England, UK.
R. Erickson, A.S. George, N.G. Marchant & M.K. Morcombe (1974), 'Flowers and Plants of Western Australia’, A.H. & A.W. Reed, Sydney, NSW, co-authored.
R. Erickson & J. H. Willis (1955), 'New species and varieties of Stylidium from Western Australia’, Muelleria, vol. 1, no. 1, Aug. 1955, pp. 7-20.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1974), 'Old Toodyay and Newcastle’, Toodyay Shire Council, WA.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1951), 'Orchids of the West’, Patterson Brokensha, Perth, WA, Illustrated by the author.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1968), 'Plants of Prey’, Patterson Brokensha, Perth, WA, Illustrated by the author.
Erickson, Rica (2005), 'Rica Erickson, A Naturalist’s Life’, University of WA Press, Crawley, WA.
Layman, Lenore (2001), 'Rica’s Stories/Rica Erickson’, Royal Western Australian Historical Society, Nedlands, W.A.
Keighery, Bronwyn (1991), 'Sharing a Wonderful Dream: Rica Erickson’, Library and Information Service of Western Australia & The Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
(1995), 'The Australian Roll of Honour 1975-1995’, Anzac Press, Sydney, NSW.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (ed.) (1988), 'The Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians pre 1829-1888’, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, WA, Vol# 1-4.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1978), 'The Dempsters’, UWA Press, Nedlands.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1969), 'The Drummonds of Hawthendon’, Lamb Paterson, Perth.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1997), 'The Misfortunes of Phoebe’, Hesperian Press, Carlisle.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1971), 'The Victoria Plains’, Lamb Paterson, Perth.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1958), 'Trigger Plants’, Patterson Brokensha, Perth, WA, Illustrated by the author.
Gooding, Janda (1991), 'Wildflowers in Art’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
Erickson, Rica (Dr) (1952), Wild Life and Outdoors.