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Evans, Susanna (March 1981), 'Gerrard Gayfield Shaw & his etching press’, Sydney, NSW [Biographical article on artist published inside James R. Lawson’s auction catalogue for their Gayfield Shaw sale].
Preece, John (10 February 1934), 'The Bookplate VI – Gayfield Shaw’, Manuscripts (magazine), Geelong, Vic., .
Howarth, R.G. & Barker , A.W. (eds) (c.1923), 'letter from Norman Lindsay to Lionel Lindsay’, Letters of Norman Lindsay, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, NSW, pp.227-228, Undated.
Barnett, P. Neville (1950), 'Australian Book-Plates and Bookplates of interest to Australians’, Privately printed, Sydney, NSW.