cartoonist, drew for Home and the Bulletin from the 1920s. Examples of his Bulletin cartoons are: Any port in a storm . 'MOTHER: “'Erbert, how do you account for these cigarettes being in your pocket?”/ 'ERBERT: I’m – I’m savin’ 'em up till I’m allowed to smoke, mother”’ 24 November 1927, 13; Domestic Tactics [servant joke]: 'Mrs Ffear: “Jane, would you try to have breakfast ready at 9.30 for a few days until Mr Ffear can obtain permission to start work at 10.30?”’ 22 September 1927, 13.

Examples from Home include: “Be individual! Express your personality by means of the meal; Two suggestions for taking advantage of the December Climate and making this year’s Xmas orgy a landmark in your life” (Oriental and Plein Air in water) 1 December 1923, 36; Parody of Norman Lindsay with clad models and top-hatted bird/men, 'Unknown Seas (a fully clothed version of Norman Lindsay’s notable etching) with apologies to the artist’, September 1923, 12.

In more propagandist mode Litchfield was one of the eight artists who contributed to Saga: A protest in linocuts by the Worker Artists , Workers Art Club, 1933 [or c.1932-35] (ML F7741/W) (ill. Coleman & Tanner 106), the others being Frank Beck, Stan Clements, George Finey , Clive Guthrie (husband of Bessie Guthrie), John Harvey, Litchfield, McDonnell & Adrienne ('Kitty’) Parkes .

Kerr, Joan
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