
  • Hansen, Philip (2009), 'Verbal correspondence with the author’.

  • Narkle, G. & Milroy, D. (2007), 'King Hit’, 'Contemporary Indigenous Plays’ Currency Plays, Strawberry Hills, NSW, First written in 1997.

  • (2009), 'Past Workshops – Yirra Yaakin website’, Yirra Yaakin Aboriginal Corporation, Perth, WA, Webpage accessed 17/4/09.

  • (11 July 1999), 'Aboriginal Evangelic Fellowship – National News Magazine’, Aboriginal Evangelic Fellowship, Webpage accessed 17/4/09.

  • Winmar, Alta (1991), 'Nyungar Art from the South-West Region of Western Australia, pp. 20-21’, Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Waterford, WA.

Initial data sources

  • Storylines Project, COFA, UNSW