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George Weibel. Beyond Art, A Third Culture, Spring Wien, 2005, pps. 42, 66-67
Roger Butler. The Europeans : emigré artists in Australia, 1930-1960, National Gallery of Australia, 1997, p.15
Teltscher, Georg. ÖsterreicherInnen für Spaniens Freiheit 1936-1939
http://www.doew.at/erinnern/biographien/spanienarchiv-online/spanienfreiwillige-t/teltscher-georgAlina Polianskaya, “George Adams exhibition shines light on “prolific” but “undocumented” Bauhaus designer.” 27 February 2019 [bio summary]
https://www.designweek.co.uk/issues/25-february-3-march-2019/george-adams-exhibition-shines-light-on-prolific-but-undocumented-bauhaus-designer/[Australian career survey] in Bauhaus Diaspora and Beyond, Transforming Education through Art, Design and Architecture. Summary of Bauhaus diaspora within Australia, Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet, Isabel Wunsche amongst the individual contributors. Miegunyah Press, Power Publications, 2019, illustrated, 279 pps.