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cartoonist, visited the USA after WWI and invested all his money in high interest-bearing companies in Mexico. When the market crashed, he returned to Australia to work as a freelance cartoonist. He contributed to Smith’s Weekly and Aussie (1924 lifesaver joke, ill. Lindesay 1979, 170). In 1998 Sue Cross owned the original of an elderly couple at the Gap, signed 'Geo. C. Little’ and dated -2(?)4: 'Mrs. Enpeck: “John! Is this the place where they all commit suicide?”/ Mr. Enpeck: “Yes m’dear! Anywhere along there will do!”’ NLA has his original ink drawing 'Dave, taking snap’ 1924 (R4923). He continued to freelance in the 1930s, contributing to various magazines and creating an animal comic strip for Syd Nicholls 's Fatty Finn Comic . He also seems to be the Little who signed sexy cartoons in Man from 1937 (with a signature so elaborate as to be virtually illegible) as well as drawing cartoons for its cheaper, more mediocre rival, Quiz (e.g. July 1942).
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