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sculptor, did the pair of large bronze equestrian sculptures flanking the hexastyle temple portico with engaged columns of the AGNSW: The Offerings of Peace (lhs) and The Offerings of War (rhs). On the right of the former is inscribed '“The Real and Lasting Victories”/ Gilbert Bayes England/ 1923’; on the front is 'The Offerings of Peace’ and on the left is '“are those of Peace not War”/ A.B. Burton/ Thames Ditton/ London. On latter has “AND LET JUSTICE & MERCY GROW” (right), 'The Offerings of War’ (centre) and '“that our house may stand forever”/ Gilbert Bayes 1923/ London’.
The first of the metal relief panels on the gallery façade (completed March 1902, when the 'topmost stone of this edifice’ was laid by the Minister of Public Education) was by 'Gilbert Bayes Sc 1906’ – 'Assur. Natsir. Pal. King of Assyria’. The other panels are: (2) 'Queen Hatasu of Egypt’ [by] 'Countess Feodora Gleichen Sc. 1906’; (3) 'Phryne before Praxiteles’ [by] 'Percival Ball Sc. 1900’; and (4) 'Augustus at Nîmes’ [by] 'W. Reid Dick R.A. Sc 1931’. The remaining spaces are blank. The names incribed around the building begin with Andrea del Sarto and end with Michelangelo.