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Manly Art Gallery & Museum (2009), 'Susan Milne and Greg Stonehouse: An Exhibition of Public Art Process and Installation’.
http://www.manly.nsw.gov.au/IgnitionSuite/uploads/docs/Susan%20Milne%20&%20Greg%20Stonehouse%20-%20information%20sheet.pdfTamar Pister and Devin Gibson (2009), 'Interview with Greg Stonehouse and Susan Milne’, Sydney, NSW, (Tape recording).
Milne, Susan; Stonehouse, Greg (2008), 'Public Art Practice’.
http://www.milnestonehouse.com/Published by Clover Moore MP Independent Website, Sydney (2007), 'Redfern Community to Help With New Public Art Project’.
http://www.clovermoore.com/main/?id=995Cowper, Monique (2003), 'Bridge a Work of Art’.
http://global.factiva.com/Murray, Elicia (28 May 2009), 'Redfern’s Bird Sculpture Hatches Angry Response’.
http://global.factiva.com/Nikas- Boulos, Catherine (2008), 'Sculptures’ Proud Reign’.
Parramatta Advertiser (5 August 2009), 'History Stands Guard at River’.