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- Lola Greeno
- Lindy Lee
- Rosemary Wynnis Madigan
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Curated by Bec Dean and Lizzie Muller, Awfully Wonderful: Science Fiction in Contemporary Art explored a spectrum of seductive, terrifying and fantastic potential futures. The exhibition presented new and existing work by twelve Australian artists including time machines, hand made robots, meteorological instruments, interplanetary communication devices, a mars gravity simulator, wearable technologies and apocalyptic visions.
Curated by Dr Dougal Phillips, “The Grip / La Mainmise” approached the work of artists from Australia and South-East Asia (alongside European peers) through a post-colonial framework that refers to metaphors of childhood, history, and power to explore the practices and concerns of artists from this region.
Loveart was an exhibition of works from the Amanda Love collection.
An international exhibition of contemporary art from emerging artists.