
  • Lahm, June (5 March 2003), '[email to Joan Kerr]’.

  • 'NSW Marriage Records : 1186/1941’.

  • (March 1940), '[mini-biography]’, Man, March, Sydney, NSW , page 95, .

  • Germaine, Max, 'C-D Rom’.

  • Lindesay, Vane (1983), 'The way we were – Australian popular magazines 1856 to 1969’, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Vic.

  • Rafty, Tony AND Mack, Brodie (1964), 'Fifty Years of Australian Cartooning’, Blaxland Gallery, Sydney, NSW.

  • Ryan, John (1979), 'Panel by panel – a history of Australian comics’, Cassell Australia,stanmore, NSW.

  • Stewart, Douglas (1977), 'Writers of the Bulletin’, Australian Broadcasting Commission, Sydney, NSW.

  • Gooding, Janda (1997), 'Art Gallery of Western Australia cartoon printout]’, Art Gallery of Western Australia, (Information from), July , Perth, WA.

  • Judd, Craig (1999), 'Australians in black & white (the most public art)’, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.

See also

  • 'a large oil portrait of Lahm by his good friend Nora Heysen was in her travelling retrospective, NLA 2000-01'.
  • 'Self portrait with mini-biography, Man March 1940, page 95'.
  • 'Self-portrait, Man November 1937, page 4'.

Initial data sources

  • Black and white artists