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Funded by Australia Council of the Arts. H.J. Wedge’s work consists of figurative paintings, made using the dot style, which refer to incidents and events that happened on the mission, others about wildlife etcetera and the difference in attitudes to such.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
EAF annual report;
Exhibition Catalogue:
Lawyers, guns & money: a project of the Experimental Art Foundation. Adelaide, SA: Experimental Art Foundation, 1997
ISBN 0949836338
The National AIDS Campaign and the National Gallery of Australia joined forces in 1994 to present the major exhibition 'Don’t Leave Me This Way: Art in the Age of AIDS’ – the largest exhibition on the subject of HIV/AIDS to be staged in Australia, and the first exhibition on this subject to be held at a National Gallery anywhere in the world.
The exhibition was curated by Ted Gott, Curator of European Art at the National Gallery of Australia.
An exhibition of paintings created during the artist’s 4 week residency in 1993 at the AGNSW.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
AGNSW archive index cards; UTAS catalogue;