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painter and cartoonist, was born in Geelong (Vic.) on 10 May 1878. He moved to Queensland as a youth and studied at South Brisbane Technical College c.1896. He worked as a cartoonist on the Queenslander , the Brisbane Courier and the Observer and was a prolific exhibitor with the QAS in 1902-12, 1914-15. In 1908 he showed three cartoons from the Observer at the QAS, more the following two years, three again in 1911. He seems to have been the only person regularly showing cartoons in the black and white art section. ( Holger V. Lovf showed cartoons and 'local celebrities’ with the QAS in 1913-15.)
Harrison also showed watercolours with the QAS. Later he studied painting with Max Meldrum in Melbourne, although, according to Moore, never became a Meldrumite. He was a foundation member of the Australian Art Association, also a commercial artist and freelance art critic for the Argus and the Australian .
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