engraver and printer, came to South Australia in about 1841. In 1841-43 he engraved, printed and published a series of six small views of the principal buildings of Adelaide after 'C.W.C.’ , including Bank of South Australia Adelaide and Government Offices, Adelaide South Australia . By 1843 he was in Sydney working as a 'General and Operative Engraver and Printer’ in Pitt Street. He advertised in the Sentinel of 30 April 1845, 'a card plate and 50 superfine cards for 5s and all other Engraving and Printing equally low’, promising that 'if not done equal to spicimen [sic] no charge will be made’. In 1847 he briefly shared premises with the engraver Raphael Clint . Most of Jervis’s Sydney work appears to have been job printing and engraving stamps for the Post Office.

Neville, Richard
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