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Lea-Scarlett, E. (September 1970), 'Nineteenth century photographers in Queanbeyan, a note’, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal, .
Bradshaw, R. (7 October 1985), 'The Merlin of the South’, Australasian Drama Studies.
Burke, K. (1973), 'Gold and Silver: Photography of Australian Goldfields from the Holtermann Collection’, Melbourne, Vic.
Colligan, Mimi (2002), 'Canvas Documentaries’, Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne, Vic.
Cato, J. (1955), 'The Story of the Camera in Australia’, Melbourne, Vic.
Newhall, B. (1964), 'The History of Photography’, New York, USA.
Newton, G. (1988), 'Shades of Light’, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, ACT.
Willis, Anne-Marie (1988), 'Picturing Australia: A History of Photography’, Sydney, NSW.
(4 October 1873), '(Obituary)’, Town and Country Journal.