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Henryk Topolnicki was born in Dabrowa Gornicza, South Poland, in 1957, but did not study fine arts in his home country. Although he developed an interest in designing and making objects by hand at a young age, he chose to study languages at university, firstly in Poland, then in Australia at the University of Sydney. After moving to Australia in 1982, he met artist Philippa Johnson, who encouraged him to turn his passion for design and construction into the creation of artworks. He enrolled in a part-time sculpture course at East Sydney Technical College (1990-91) before establishing the public art business Art.is.an Option with Philippa Johnson.
Working in the open and displaying work outdoors are important aspects of Topolnicki’s practice. He cites a sense of curiosity as the quality he most wishes to convey, and feels this is most likely to be provoked when works are serendipitously happened upon in a public space. Often Topolnicki makes use of visual cues from the environmental setting. For example, the unusual shape of a piece of sandstone might inspire a similar form in steel to work alongside the natural element.
Public art developed for Art.is.an Option also demonstrates this commitment to natural surroundings. Both Topolnicki and Johnson believe that a public artwork must be integrated into its environment for it to be successful and they seek to achieve this with their sculptures by making use of data on native flora and fauna particular to the area in which the work is situated. Art.is.an Option also completes private commissions for balustrading, furniture and sculpture, all designed and manufactured by the artists at their studio.
Privately commissioned and public artworks by Topolnicki have a level of detail, often relating to natural forms such as insects or birds. This requires fine craftsmanship by the artist, an accomplished blacksmith, woodworker and welder. Topolnicki is involved in all stages of the creative process of his artworks, from design to construction and installation, with most public art projects jointly executed with partner Philippa Johnson.