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Street Photography: Ian Tippett, Glenn Sloggett, Catherine Bell
Ian Tippett, David van Royen and Vivian Cooper Smith developed the show collaboratively, agreeing to hang three large-scale prints each, insinuating undercurrents of fear and anxiety through a juxtaposition of ordinary and imaginary, and the calm and the anxious. Tippett’s young people block the world with music from their iPod earphones, escaping into musical fantasia.
Street photography “bq). The individuals depicted are actually participating in a visual dialogue through their conscious resistance to it.” Peter Milne
Tippett takes advantage of the effects of a rainy, gloomy day on both the Melbourne cityscape and its inhabitants through his elevated camera angle and selective flash. Self-awareness and withdrawal are embodied in the defensive postures people adopt in public spaces, a psychology made visible by their sheltering from inclement weather
Melbourne streetscapes from the pavement level