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A mini-survey, included major works created over twenty years, and was exhibited at two venues. At the University of South Australia Art Museum, two major works from the 1970’s were installed. In the large gallery space, MacPherson’s Filled Gestures 1977 covered the walls. The organic nature if Filled Gestures was echoed by the triangular forms repeated in wood, watercolour and photography in Souvenir of Marlene Deitrich: (13 Simple Gestures) 1977-88.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
UNISAM exhibition archive; Curtin Gallery exhibition archive; AGNSW Library catalogue
Exhibition Catalogue:
Robert MacPherson: Murranji. Woolloomooloo, NSW: Artspace Visual Arts Centre, 1998
ISBN 1876017638
A survey of recent work by the artist.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
AGNSW archive index cards; National Library of Australia catalogue
Exhibition Catalogue:
Robert MacPherson: the described the undescribed. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, [1994]
ISBN 0731029194