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A series of ten works, in two and three dimensions, this installation explored ideas about different concepts of space, including architectural space, the created spaces of landscape and garden design, and the vast spaces of ocean and sky. It referred, in part, to the architecture and garden design of Europe as well as the transposition of European vision into an antipodean context.
Source: Solo Survey Exhibition Linkage Project, Tasmanian School of Art, UTAS
http://www.castgallery.org/exhibition/archive.htm 6/12/05
http://gallery.discoverymedia.com.au/ozartbiogs/biog.aspx 6/12/05
An environmental sculpture exhibition by 20 artists, organised by Arthouse Launceston, held at Hollybank Forestry Reserve, Underwood, Tasmania to celebrate National Arts Week. Source: Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery History Archive.