cartoonist and illustrator, made an undated (apparently contemporary) S.T. Gill-like wash drawing, Gas Explosion in George Street (at Hopkins & Alford’s drapers’ shop, 413-415 George St), signed 'J. Flynn (ML ZSSV/SHO/Hopk/1), presumably for an illustrated newspaper. Mr. J. H. Flynn was listed among the illustrators in Punch Staff Papers: A Collection of Tales, Sketches, &c., in Prose and Verse, by the Members of the Staff of Sydney Punch (Sydney: Gordon & Gotch, 1872). His contemporaries included Monte Scott , H. Wise , G.G. McCrae and Mrs. G. M. Stephens ( Mary Hindmarsh ).

[Possibly John Henry Flynn, who married Mary Anne Smith in Sydney in 1871.]

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Kerr, Joan
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