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Born c.1925, he is a Warlpiri speaker whose country is Wapurtali, home of the Bush Carrot ancestor which spread out from here to Ngamirliri in one direction and Yintaramurru in the other. Jack also painted the Yarla (Bush Potato) Dreaming for Yamaparnta, belonging to Jakamarra/Jupurrula. Other Dreamings he painted include Wapirti (Small Yam), Liwirringki (Burrowing Skink), Pamapardu (Flying Ant), Marlu (Kangaroo), Walpajirri (Rabbit-eared Bandicoot or Bilby), Yurduwaruwaru (Bearded Dragon), Karlanjirri (Dragon) and Patanjarngi (Parrakelia). He lived at Yuendumu and had been painting for Warlukurlangu Artists since the mid ’80s. His work was included in Yuendumu: paintings out of the desert at the South Australian Museum in 1988, The Painted Dream in Auckland and Wellington 1991 and many Warlukurlangu exhibitions in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Darwin, Adelaide and Alice Springs. He was one of forty-two artists from Yuendumu who worked on a 7 × 3m canvas which toured European cities in 1993 as part of Aratjara – Australian Aboriginal Art .