
  • Germaine, Max (1990), 'Artists & galleries of Australia’, Roseville, NSW : Craftsman House (3rd, enlarged, edition).

  • Lindesay, Vane (1979), 'The inked-in image : a social and historical survey of Australian comic art’, Richmond, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (new edition).

  • Lindesay, Vane (1983), 'The way we were : Australian popular magazines 1856 to 1969’, Melbourne, Vic : Oxford University Press.

  • Lindesay, Vane (1985), 'Noel Counihan Caricatures’, Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson.

  • McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian art’, Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd revised edition).

  • Ward, Russel (1980), 'All their own work : review of Vane Lindesay, The Inked In Image: A social and historical survey of Australian comic art (2nd ed.)’, Melbourne, Vic : in Overland no.80, p 57.

  • Wannan, Bill (1972), 'Australians in Black and White : review of Vane Lindesay, The Inked-In Image, A social and historical survey of Australian comic art’, Melbourne, Vic : in Overland no.53 (Spring ) pp 51-52.

  • (1986), 'Australian Black and White Artists Club book of originals’, Sydney, NSW : Australian Black and White Artists Club / Art Gallery of New South Wales (178.1988.1-102).

See also

  • 'Caricature of Lindesay by Noel Counihan 1976 (ill. Lindesay 1979, dust-jacket).'.

Initial data sources

  • Black and white artists